Jaipur Pink Panthers' owner Abhishek Bachchan said his wife and actress Aishwarya Rai is not just an avid follower of the Pro Kabaddi League side as well as Indian Super League football franchise Chennaiyin FC that he owns but also offers him valuable inputs which aids his functioning as a franchise owner. Raider Jasvir Singh got four points for the Panthers from a single raid with 10 minutes left when he got a touch on the last two Mumba players standing to pack the rivals off for a second lona and two additional points. Things went neck to neck in the initial stage, the highlight being U Mumba captain Anup Kumar taking three rivals out to help his side take a 4-2 lead before the Panthers caught up and then jumped ahead to a two-point lead (8-6). For U Mumba, the points tally in raiding was expectedly led by captain Anup Kumar(11) but what swung the game the Panthers way was superior defending through which they secured 13 points as compared to their rivals'. Stout defe...